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New Livestream-Recital this Wednesday!

5 August 2020

Dear friends: I am very excited to let you know about my new Livestream-Recital on Wednesday August 5th 2020 at 17h00 (Paris) 11AM ET (Ft Lauderdale, Florida) 10AM (Lima-Peru.)

Please join me on that day so we can connect through music during a sunny Summer afternoon. To watch Live or on Replay, you can click HERE. See you soon! And thank you!

Interview with Peruvian Journalist

July 31 2020

Dear everyone: Two days ago I was interviewd by the Peruvian journalist Yrene Rojas better known as La Gata (The Cat.) This week she has been celebrating her career of 40 years and the 11th anniversary of her internet show "Gata Show." 

She contacted me to have an interview that took place last Friday.

We talked about music composition, the lessons learnt during the currend sanitary crisis and she asked me to wish her a happy anniversary in French and Italian. I performed exceprts of some of my piano compositions. 

You can watch the interveiw over HERE

Latest Livestream

July 10th 2020

Dear friends: It was today on Facebook, my latest livestream. You can watch it here on "replay". Thank you all! 

Youtube Livestream

Jun 30th 2020

Dear all: Here you can watch the livestream I did this week on Youtube. I hope you like it! 

Facebook Livestream

June 29th 2020

Dear friends: Below you can watch the livestream I did this week on Facebook. Each livestream contains different repertoire that I have composed. Enjoy your week!

Jun 29th 2020


Dear friends: Starting Monday June 20th 2020 I've begun doing piano livestreams on Facebook , Instagram and Youtube. Each one is about 45 minutes long and the repertoire is different each time. All the musical pieces are my own compositions. I hope you enjoy! 

Song Video of Latest Recital

23rd September 2019

Dear friends: Below you will find a video of the song "Mine" I performed at my lastest recital in Paris. Thank you so much for your support!

Concert in Lima in March 2020

August 10th, 2019

Dear friends! I am delighted to announce I will be performing in Lima next year! A thank the Peruvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and all of you , my friends, who follow me in my musical activites. 

Upcoming recital in Paris on September 15th

August 10th, 2019

Carlos is already back in town preparing his new recital in Paris. You can see the poster below. 

Last year's recital in Lima finally online!

June 20th 2019

Dear friends! Finally the video of my recital in Lima last year is online. It took place at the Inca Garcilaso Cultural Center.

I thank the Peruvian Ministry of Foreign Affairs for making this event possible. And all the people who where there and made it a full house!


Recital on April 17th 2019

March 30th 2019

Dear friends, I am happy to announce my upcoming recital of April. UPDATE: You can find a link to the video below:

Recital on March 15th 2019

February 25th 2019

Dear friends, I am happy to announce that I will be giving a recital of my compositions for the French Association Faites Entrer Les Musiciens. I will be premiering five compositions that I am writing right now!

Interview with the great Peruvian DJ and Journalist Helene Ramos

May 2019 in Lima

Some days ago, while visiting Lima, Helene Ramos came see me. He hand't met in many years. She wanted to know how was my life in Paris and listen to my new compositions. I performed for her and my mother what later Helene called "Concert for 3." 

Helene Ramos is famous in the Peruvian underground scene. In the 1990s and 2000s she used to have a very popular radio show named "2001 mil años después" (2001 one thousand years later) in the popular station Radio Miraflores. I was lucky to have been interviewed by her at her show when I was starting to perform and she wrote the first critic of my EP of 2004 "Marina Tremolo."

Thank you Helene for your unconditional support! 

My first interview in the US!

December 26th 2018

Dear friends: I am very happy to share with you the interview I had with Diana TV Magazine today on It's the first time I have an interview in the USA! 

Radio Interview in Miami!

December 20th 2018

Hello everyone! I am excited to let you know I've got a webradio interview with Diana TV Magazine on December 26th at 1pm (Eastern Time.) It's my first radio interview in the USA!

You can listen to it on The link is below: 

Check out my profile on Ulysses!

September 20th, 2018

Hello everyone!

Ulysses is a social platform created by the UE that helps professional musicians meet. I just joined their network!

Carlos' interview for Cocktail Magazine

May 4th 2018

Dear friends: Peruvian magazine called Cocktail interviewed me during my stay in Lima earlier this year. The interview has just been published. It is in Spanish. You can read it here: 

Mi piacerebbe cantare come te (I'd Like to Sing Like You Do)

February 23rd, 2018

Dear Friends: I'm happy to send you the first exceprt of my concert in Lima in January 2018. This piece is called "Mi piacerebbe cantare come te" ( I'd Like to Sing Like You Do.) Click below to watch the video on Youtube.  I hope you like it! 

December 14th, 2017

Hello everyone! I am very happy to announce my upcoming concert in Peru at the beginning of next year. I has been 12 years since I played in my homew town, Lima. Here are the details: 

Concert on January 30th 2018


At the Centro Cultural Inca Garcilaso, Jr Ucayali 391, Centro de Lima. 

Free entrance

Updated Bio Now available!

December 12th, 2017

Hello everyone! I just published an updated version of my biography in order to present my upcoming concert in Peru in January 2018. Soon, the English version will be available. If you want to read the Spanish version, please follow this link.

Dear friends: Here's a video of my concert last week, Daydreamer. This piece is called "Mi piacerebbe cantare come te" (I'd like to sing like you do.)


October 25th 2017

Today I'm remembering the gig I had last year in Quiberville (Normandy.) It was a great joy to perform at my friends' wedding anniversary. This is a recording of one of the pieces I played for them "Les premiers rayons de soleil dans un ciel nuageux "(The First Rays of Sun In A Cloudy Sky.) Composed in June 2015 inspired by my skateboarding journeys with one of my best friends.

Upcomng concert: November 17th 2017

October 4th 2017

Dear friends: I am very happy to announce that my next concert will take place on November 17th 2017 at République. Please write me en e-mail if you want to come. 

Sincerely yours, 


October 4th 2017

Dear friends: Please vist my Youtube page and watch the video of my song "Daydreamer." The lyrics and link to youtube are below: 




Words and Music: Carlos Hernan Gonzalez 

Copyright © 2013 Carlos Hernan Gonzalez Sotomayor. 

All rights reserved. Tous droits réservés. 



I don’t really want to judge myself

I don’t really care for what they say


In any case one can never be loved by everyone


And the hummingbird flying next to me

Keeping safe my dreams, how I live my life


He tells me where to find my dreams if I forget


Dreams for me, should never stay behind

Our dreams, you see, can take us far!


I don’t ask for more than I can give

So don’t worry my love, this time it’s meant to be


You wonder when the world will change but until then: 


Dreams for me, should never stay behind

Our dreams, you see, can take us far!



Daydreamers, you and I and soon 

One thousand more partners with the same goals !




I cannot choose, but to follow them

My dreams, won’t lose, I’ll fight for them! 


Piano recital in Lima in 2018!

January 30th 2018

I am excited to let you know that I have an upcoming concert in my hometown, Lima , on January 30th 2018. My last performance in Peru was 12 years ago! Check out the venue below:

Summer 2015

Watch this video made by Clémence de Kersauzon while I was performing my song "Versailles" at the Jardin des plantes in Paris. Play Me I'm Yours is fun! 

March 10th 2017

We invite you to watch the new videos of Carlos' compositions "Filons, filons, il commence à pleuvoir" (Run, run, it's starting to rain) and "Les premiers rayons de soleil dans un ciel nuageux (The First Rays of Sun In A Cloudy Sky.). He performed them in his Paris concert of last week named "Journeys." Thess pieces have been among audience favourites since they were premiered. 


Happy holidays from Florida!

December 25th 2016

September 29th 2016

Since December last year, Carlos has been adding daily photos of his Parisian life to his Instagram page. Things that call his attention simply becasue they are beautiful or due to their unique quality that is worth showing. He has been living in Paris for the past decade; Paris, the most beautiful city in the world! Take a look at his pictures! 

The concert is next week!

October 7th 2016

Upcoming concert:

October 7th 2016

Carlos is happy to announce that he's preparing a new concert for this season. If you would like to come, please send us a message through the CONTACT page.

If you would like to listen to some of his compositions, please visit his Soundcloud page below:

May 30th 2016

Carlos has just published a playlist of new recordings on Youtube and you can hear it below! 

Private Recital in Paris

April 2016


Carlos invites you to join him on his next Parisian private concert in an amazing venue. A place that used to be a convent in the XVIIth century. 


He will perform new pieces inspired by the joy of springtime. 





Reservations at:



The event will take place at:


Médiathèque Marguerite Duras, 115 rue de Bagnolet, 75020 Paris




Carlos is more than happy to play his music and a selection of Francis Poulenc's compositions in the next event of the French-German association, Rainer Maria Rilke. This will be an evening of litterature and history of the Picpus Cemetery in Paris. 


Free entrance.





Recital on November 2015 "Between Dreams and Impressionism"


62, av de la Grande Armée


75017 Paris


Métro: Argentine



For details please contact the Club des Daydreamers at






Join Carlos in his new recital for the season, inspired by images of Impressionism and dreams. 



Espace Christiane Peugeot






Upcoming concert "Summer is here"

June 24th 2015 20H

New concert inspired by the new Summer Season.

Espace Christiane Peugeot 

62 av de la Grande Armée, Paris 17

Métro: Argentine

Upcoming concert "This Is A Dream"

20/3/2015 8:00pm

Espace Christiane Peugeot

62 av de la Grande Armée, 75017 Paris

Métro: Argentine

Just uploaded "Impro dedicated to Francis Lai" on Bandcamp


Recording of "Versailles" in Ft Lauderdale (Florida)

February 2015

Carlos recently recorded his song "Versailles" at an incredible grand piano factory in Fort Lauderdale (FL.) He composed the music to "Versailles" in 1999 in his native Lima and co-wrote the lyrics in 2013 with singer-songwriter Erica-Sommer, his best friend from school (University of Miami School of Music.)

"Versailles" is one of Carlos' fans' favourite songs.  

The recording was made with Nathan Beatty.

TODAY "Gata Show" TV


Click below to watch (Around 35:06)

Tonight Radio Interview with Yrene Rojas at "Gata Show" Radio San Borja 91.1FM

Feb 14 2015 at 8pm ET (1AM in the UK)

Listen LIVE





TV & Radio Interview with Patricia Salinas "A mi manera" (My Way)

February 11th 2015 6pm (5 hours ahead for the UK and 6 hours ahead in France. USA Eastern Time)

Radio Nacional 103.9 FM

Cable Magico Channel 12

TV Peru Digital Channel 7.3

Claro TV Channel 14



Article on CY Magazine

February 8th 2015

CY Magazine has just published an article on Carlos' concert with Erica-Sommer on December 2014 in Miami Beach, Florida. Please click below to read it :

2nd-time Guest Artist at Erica-Sommer's Concert in Miami Beach

January 11th 2015

New concert series "Chansons d'Automne" (Autumn Songs)

December 5th 2014

Video Shoot "Sourire ensemble pour l'humanité" video of Alexis Le Fournier

November 2014


Recording with Diane Thierry-Mieg

January 2014


Premiere of "The Jungle Game" concert of Hobo Noise

October 3rd 2014


"Daydream Pop" Concert in Paris

February 27th 2014

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Fotografia: Pierre-Emmanuel Rastoin
Sito internet: ©2024 Carlos Hernan Gonzalez Sotomayor.Tous droits réservés.Derechos reservados. All rights reserved.

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